Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Missouri Botanical Gardens

As I have told several people, after having visited the Missouri Botanical Gardens again (and in more depth), I think that this place might be a reason to move back to St. Louis even if I had no others. We had the best time and ended up spending close to 3 hours there with nonstop fun. The Nikki exhibit is there right now which features many structures that the kids can climb on - so nice! The children's area in and of itself is amazing and huge! I'm so thankful for places like this, especially when it is free to St. Louis residents on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

From the Nikki exhibit - The Lion

The Cat

The Seal

The Alligator

In the children's area - sliding fashionably with her purse

Again, with the purse

In the outdoor classroom area - the music & movement section

The messy materials area

The water play area, a Lily favorite

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