Sunday, January 13, 2008

Scenes from Saturday

Playing in the "tunnels" at Chick-Fil-A.
Indoor playgrounds are hard to come by, but we never really considered the ones at fast food joints before - I guess because she was not at an age last winter to really appreciate them. But now we are grateful that several restaurants around here have them; she really enjoyed playing there yesterday. I guess their plan for bringing in customers worked on us!

Lily continues to want to use the potty, but now her doll has to have the same accommodations. She insists that her doll have a book while she's on her potty. I even have to turn the pages every once in a while for the baby doll! Let's just hope that this eventually pays off. While Lily has a great interest in sitting (or now sometimes standing in front of the potty), flushing and using toilet paper, she still doesn't seem to want to actually go in the potty.

We went to the library yesterday, and Lily really surprised me when she started pulling out the letters and naming several of them. Lily has floating letters for the bathtub, letter blocks and several books and puzzles with letters on them that we play with at home (and I know that they work on the alphabet at school), but sometimes you feel like you're working on things beyond her comprehension. But lo and behold, she's getting it!

Our Saturday was lots of fun with Gymboree in the morning and Chick-Fil-A (with indoor playground) for lunch. While Lily napped at home with Aunt Ingrid, Carl and I went to Boordy Vineyard for their Chili Winter Weekend event. We then returned home, and Lily and I hit the library. Carl and I rounded out the evening with a DVD after Lily went to bed. It was definitely a go-go day, just the way I like it!

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