Saturday, December 29, 2007

A visit from Santa

Even Grandpa received a present from Santa
We were very lucky to have Santa visit us in Indiana while visiting the Deetz side of the family. Lily was a little bit wary of the man in the red suit, but not so much so as to not get her present from him. She did make sure not to turn her back on him though. Christmas this year was by far the best with Lily. She was actually so excited that she had a hard time falling asleep on Christmas Eve as she kept asking, "Santa coming?" The first thing that Lily did when she woke up on Christmas morning was to ask if Santa was here; she then looked out of the window and said, "Nope." Lily checked out her loot under the tree when she went downstairs, but then decided to wait a bit to open up the gifts as she suspiciously eyed the door that Santa had entered a couple days prior. Overall, all of our celebrations have been fantastic, and we are not even done celebrating with all sides of the family yet!

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