The most notable thing of late with Lily is her amazing memory which is probably better than mine if the truth be told. A few examples...
- This morning I told Lily that we needed to get ready for school. She responded, "teachers...friends". I said, "Yes, we are going to see your teachers and your friends. Who are the friends in your class that you are going to see?" Lily then proceeded to tell me the names of all 5 friends in her class. Very cool.
- When we went to school on Monday, I told Lily to tell her teacher where we went the day before. To my amazement, she said "park".
- Lily hurt her finger last week which the teacher told me about before I saw Lily. When Lily came to me at the end of the day, she immediately held up her finger and said "boo-boo...door". She had, in fact, pinched her finger in the door. When she showed me the boo-boo two days later, I asked what happened, and she said "door".
- Last week, Lily somehow was brought to the office at the end of the day without her shoes. After all the children had gone AND I checked the rooms for closing, I asked Lily where her shoes were. She said "in room", and I responded, "In your classroom? Where in the classroom?" She said, "chair". So, I went into her classroom, looked behind the chairs at their table, and sure enough, there they were. This was wonderful since I would have never found them otherwise. I can see how her memory is going to be very useful!
- My favorite story related to her memory is from her Tiny Tidbits today. There is apparently a story that Lily likes very much about a tiger named Tony (the name of the book escapes me). The teacher was in a hurry so that they could transition to the next activity and tried to skip a page or two. Lily apparently stood up, put her hand on the book and said "no, no, no". She then turned the pages back that the teacher tried to skip and said, "Tony sad" which is the part that the teacher attempted to pass over. So funny!
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