Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lily Update

In case you were in need of some Lily stories, let me provide you with the following...

Lily has apparently heard her calling to become a teacher - and answered. She has become the rule-enforcer with her classmates (...yet the ultimate limit-tester with us. Go figure.)

  • Lily's teacher told her and her classmates to sit down on Friday and one of them was not doing as instructed, so Lily took it upon herself to continually repeat the child's name while telling her to sit. When the child completely ignored Lily's demands, Lily decided that she had no choice but to attempt to physically get the child to sit by pulling her dress toward the ground. Luckily, the teacher was quick to intervene.
  • Also the other day, the teacher announced that she smelled something stinky in the classroom. So, Lily went around to each child in the class, pulled their diaper out from behind, checked their bottoms and said "No poopy" each time that she did not find the culprit.
  • On their walk, Lily told everyone to "Hold hands to be safe".
  • On the way to school on Friday, Lily repeated the phrase "Don't run - walk" about 10 times in the car. Mentally preparing for the day? I don't know.
  • Lily's Tiny Tidbit report from Friday reported that she pulled out the blocks, said "Circle Time", then held up various blocks and inquired of her classmates "What's this?" with each one and then sang The Itsy Bitsy Spider for everyone.

Lily has also decided that she would make an excellent parent - to both Carl and me. It's quite hilarious actually and very sweet at times.

  • Any time that either of us hurts ourselves in any minute way and says "Ouch", Lily has to immediately stop what she is doing and run over to us to kiss the injured area.
  • When I laid down next to Lily at bedtime last week, she said "Good girl, mommy. Good girl."
  • I've had a cold for the past week that I just can't seem to kick and whenever I cough, Lily pats my back.
  • Carl often calls Lily "Baby". Just tonight, she was trying to get his attention and repeated "Hi, baby" several times until he realized that she was talking to him.
  • After grocery shopping today, we stopped to get gas and when Carl got out of the car, Lily said "Mama, daddy be back" in a way that was definitely intended to reassure me.

Then there are things that she says and does that just make me laugh out loud. Case in point...

  • We were bringing groceries into the house from the car and I asked Lily if she would like to help us bring in some bags. She responded "No." [pause] "I'm tired." [pause] "Mommy carry it." Had I not been there myself, I wouldn't have believed it. Such a little stinker. Did I say that I was excited about her level of communication? Hmm, let me rethink that.


  1. Gosh, I absolutely hate that I miss all of this. I can't wait until you guys come.

  2. I shouldn't read stories this precious when I'm still so hormonal! Absolutely adorable...
