Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"Lily do it!"

The latest with Lily is that she wants to do everything herself. "Lily do it" and "I do it" are probably the most common utterances from her right now. As you can see above, her tries at doing it herself are not always exactly successful, but she is very proud nonetheless. You can often hear her exclaim "Lily did it" after she attempts to complete various tasks.

Lily has continued to make huge strides in her language development. Now you can pretty much talk to her about anything, and she understands and responds appropriately. For example, last night, Carl was getting ready to go down the stairs with her, and he said, "Do you want me to carry you?" Her response was "No, I will walk". The "will" part of that statement just blew us away. Her memory is also amazing to me. After she fell in the gym one day last week, she would show us her boo-boo every day for about 5 days straight and say, "Lily fall down in gym." That's our girl!

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty baby girl!!!!! Ms. Lillian Meyer Deetz
