Monday, July 23, 2007
Magic 8 ball, where are you?
I go through periods of total preoccupation with our move next year and now is one of those times. The current topic of discussion between Carl and me is how to rank the various residency programs out there. Obviously, location is a huge factor for us. Other considerations include the salary which varies slightly or not-so-slightly depending on your point of view. Also, the area's cost of living is in the mix. Reputation of the school is another consideration. One factor that I really didn't consider much but now seems to be creeping up the list in importance is the number of years of the residency program. Carl will begin the process of applying to residencies in Pathology in September. Some of the programs are 3 years (Anatomic Pathology only) and others are 4 years (combined Clinical and Anatomic Pathology). He could really go either way, but of course, the 3-year programs are less common. This is a major life decision for us that will have an enormous impact on our lives. Ironically, these are the times that Carl becomes cool and collected, and I enter my panic mode. Do we go for shorter time over location? Higher salary/lower cost of living over reputation? I just don't know. This doesn't mean that we are straying from the Midwest plan. We just have to decide the rank order of the schools within the Midwest, not an easy task. Either way, we have until January to decide, just to begin the excruciating process of waiting to find out our ultimate fate on March 20th. Only 240 more days...
should I start sending articles on schools now too??!