Thursday, May 03, 2007

A few of my favorite things

Lily is in the middle of a stage where she's working rigorously to figure things out but is often slightly off in the cutest ways. Some examples...
  • She calls her sunglasses "eyes"
  • When she wants the cell phone, she says "Hi! Hi! Hi!"
  • Every evening, Lily and her teacher take a walk around the building and play "I spy". They mostly look for colors and sometimes shapes. Lily has taken to the phrase "I...spy....purple!" She often repeats this phrase at completely random times, but it comes out as "I...purple!"
  • She has made up her own phrase "uppy shuppy". It is her signature phrase, as she repeats it constantly, but it doesn't seem to mean anything in particular.
  • She says "up" when she wants to be picked up...and when she wants to be put down.

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