1 sick baby
2 days spent at home due to sick baby
3 walks with a fussy baby and antsy dog
4 issues: diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, lethargy
5 oz. of food taken in by Lily today
6 o'clock - time daddy gets home
7 times I've been thrown up on (3) plus times I've barely avoided being thrown up on (4)
8 books read over and over and over again
9 VERY stinky diapers
10 coping strategies used by an exhausted mommy dealing with: 9 noxious diapers, reading 8 repetitious books, cleaning up 7 puddles of vomit, no help with baby or dog until 6 o'clock, 5 oz of food taken in and immediately coming back out, 4 issues leading to cranky baby, 3 frenzied walks, 2 long days spent at home with 1 sick baby.
It can only go up from here...wish we could help you.