Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lil' Helper Lily

Lily has become quite the little helper lately. She tries to brush her hair, put on her socks, put on her/our shoes, and as you can see above, she has even started to partake in some manual labor. (Start 'em off early, right?) Her expressions - like the one in the picture - crack me up and make her seem older than (nearly) 15 months.

This morning we woke up to Lily pointing to Carl's nose and my nose and saying her version of the word "nose". She also surprised me yesterday by saying "nana" when I started peeling a banana. Lily has been saying a good number of words for a while now, but now it is clear that she has started associating the correct meaning to some words. Crazy! We will have several out-of-town visitors in the next month or so, and I can't wait for everyone to see her. I feel like she has changed so much since the holidays.

In other news, Carl continues to have pretty severe back pain. I'm not quite sure how he survived the last rotation, but anyone who knows Carl would not be surprised that he has not missed a minute of work, even though on most mornings he can't even bend over far enough to put on his socks. Sitting hurts the most, but being on his feet for 12 hours straight does not help the situation. When studying for his last exam, he literally had to lay flat while holding his books above his head. His dedication astounds me sometimes. Carl has been taking a lot of pain medication in addition to some oral steroids, but it is becoming apparent that this is not going to cut it. We may be looking at back surgery some time next month - we'll see. I will keep everyone posted.

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