Sunday, February 04, 2007

Future Nobel Laureate

Seriously, could she get any cuter?

Hard at work

From very early on Lily has liked to draw and write. Every night, Lily comes into my office, where I'm usually writing at my desk. On most nights, before we leave school/work, she sits on my lap and writes on post-it notes while I finish up whatever I need to do. She loves doing this; so I thought it was time for her to have her own work space at home. We're starting with the Color Wonder markers that only write on special paper in order to minimize messes until she understands the concept of drawing on paper and not on clothes, furniture, walls, floors, etc.


  1. Already holding the marker the right way, too. Simply amazing!

  2. Ahh, already as smart as her Aunt Angela, you can't possibly be any happier...

  3. Yes, she is on her way to being as smart as her Aunt Angela, and she will have the same person to thank for her "training" :)

  4. Thank the Lord for the Color Wonder Markers - that is the only kind in our house!
