Growing like a...Lily
Lily has become such an animated, fun little person. I can't believe how much she comprehends now. When we ask her to get her baby she goes straight to the baby (and gives her kisses). When I ask her for a book, she goes to the bookshelf and picks one out. She also will sit for longer periods now to read books and even clearly indicates that she wants to read a book again by flipping it to the front when we are finished. Probably the thing that blew me away the most was tonight when I said "Let's go take a bath". She got up, went up the stairs, went into her bathroom, and pulled the shower curtain open. It really makes me wonder how long she has understood the word "bath" and what other things she understands that I'm just not aware of. She also continues to amaze us with her exploration of sounds and trying to say new words. She is working really hard on "shoes" right now, actually making a sound close to the sh sound. She also said something very close to "Terra" tonight. It's kind of scary how fast this is all going, but I guess that's part of what makes it so exhilarating for us parents!
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