Sunday, October 01, 2006

Weekend Pics

Lily: she's one bad....shut your mouth!

My big little girl

Lily's greatest fascination at the Taste of Baltimore: the very large inflatable, walking crab.

We had a great time at the Taste of Baltimore this weekend. We have not missed this event since we moved to Baltimore, so this was our fifth one. It's weird to think that we will probably only go to this one more time before we move. Here Lily is enjoying a taste of banana at the Taste of Baltimore.
A couple of Lily updates...
  • Lily now likes to say "no, no, no". She has also come up with a very fake and dramatic cry when she is told "no".
  • She has a very sweet ritual with one of her little friends at school: they kiss every time they first see each other for the day. It happens almost every day, and it is so cute!
  • She is eating more table food that is cut into small pieces but still seems to prefer pureed foods.
  • She loves clapping and seems to know when it is appropriate to do so (usually for herself but sometimes for Terra).
  • Lily often stands on her own and takes isolated steps. The most consecutive steps to date is seven.
  • She is teething like crazy right now, and I think it won't be long before her top 2 middle teeth break through.

In general, everything is good with us. Our computer died last weekend, and I was going through some serious withdrawal until we got another one this weekend. Our old computer was ancient in the world of laptops (2001), and I am very happy with the advancements that have taken place in the past 5 years. Everything from scrolling to downloading pictures is now much easier.

We are loving and taking full advantage of this awesome fall weather with a lot of outdoor activities. Carl starts his surgical rotation on Tuesday, so we are gearing up for that. We are looking forward to Lily's first Halloween and her first birthday; I can't believe that it is actually next month! Then the holidays will be right around the corner. What a busy and exciting time of year...

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