Saturday, September 23, 2006

A visit to the pumpkin farm

Mom, what are you doing to me? I'm never going to live this down.

I can't believe how much Lily looks like my mom in this picture. Carl and I have decided that Lily is definitely a blend of Deetz and Pellerito.

Wow, Daddy, so this is what you've been calling me for so long?

Good choice - pumpkins taste good to me!
We are a bit early in our visit to the pumpkin farm, but with Carl's schedule, it's hard to know when we will get the chance to go out together as a family. So, we jump on opportunities to go out together when we can. Carl has one more week in his neurology rotation, and then we enter the really crazy surgical rotation. This is a longer rotation that will last until Christmas. I am currently taking a three-hour night class for work that is held once a week for 12 weeks, so this is a very busy time for us. But, we'll get through it, and (hopefully) be better for it.


  1. I think she looks like Mom too. Adorable!

  2. What is up with that hat???

    Lily's first fall!!! How exciting!

  3. What a cutie pie! It was so good to see you both at the Baptism. We can't wait to come to Baltimore to celebrate Lily's numero uno birthday!
