Saturday, September 23, 2006

A visit to the pumpkin farm

Mom, what are you doing to me? I'm never going to live this down.

I can't believe how much Lily looks like my mom in this picture. Carl and I have decided that Lily is definitely a blend of Deetz and Pellerito.

Wow, Daddy, so this is what you've been calling me for so long?

Good choice - pumpkins taste good to me!
We are a bit early in our visit to the pumpkin farm, but with Carl's schedule, it's hard to know when we will get the chance to go out together as a family. So, we jump on opportunities to go out together when we can. Carl has one more week in his neurology rotation, and then we enter the really crazy surgical rotation. This is a longer rotation that will last until Christmas. I am currently taking a three-hour night class for work that is held once a week for 12 weeks, so this is a very busy time for us. But, we'll get through it, and (hopefully) be better for it.

More Pumpkin Farm Pics

Lily checking out the goats

Hey, chickens, I know a place in Indiana that's better than being all couped up here. You would have to put up with my Great Uncle Randy, though.

We love the big slide!

Together on a hayride

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

These are the remember

Curly top

An intriguing toy...

Um, I don't know what you've heard, but I am so allowed to play with Terra's toys.

Lily updates:

Lily took her first steps last Friday!!!

Lately, I am smitten with her expressions and her dance moves. She can convey so much with her looks, and you can almost see her figuring out the world (and having her own opinion about it) just by watching her face. She dances to her own beat, and quite often, at that. Music is not required but preferable.

I also love that she thinks that everyone is totally enraptured with her. When we were at church on Sunday, everyone clapped at the end, and there is no doubt that she thought the applause was intended for her. Her eyes lit up, she had a huge grin, and began looking around, as if to acknowledge her adoring fans.

She also finds amusement in the weirdest things - like when I set the alarm at work, she laughs. And, whenever I pick up the leash to walk Terra in the morning, she actually starts belly-laughing. I don't know what it is that she finds so funny. Whatever it is, I absolutely love it...and love her.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Weekend in St. Louie

Katie Grace

Katie's Baptism

A rare photo with all my siblings: Angela, Suzanne, and Jeff (with baby Katie)

All of Lily's cousins: Nicholas, Courtney, baby Katie, Abby, and Mary.

Mom beaming in the presence of ALL of her grandchildren.
We had a wonderful (albeit short) trip to St. Louis this weekend. Lily and I were so happy to able to meet Katie for the very first time and attend her Baptism. We can't wait to move back to the Midwest to be closer to everyone - we miss you already!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Latest Developments

As Lily gets older, we get more glimpses into her personality. The latest thing we have discovered about her is that she is fuss-y when she wakes up. You have to spend a considerable amount of time with her after she wakes up just holding her and allowing her to wake up slowly, in her own time. Many people will appreciate the poetic justice of this latest development, especially my mom. I used to be, let's just say, not so pleasant upon waking. Fortunately, I've outgrown this, but I definitely had some memorable moments due to my own struggles with waking up (Janie, Sara and other high school friends will remember back to our trip to New Orleans). I guess that now begins paybacks as a parent and thorough enjoyment as a grandparent.

Lily has two other new amusing tricks: taking off her pants and understanding (if not responding to) the word "no". Lily's teachers have reported that when they put her in her crib to take a nap, she promptly removes her pants. Why? Who knows..spite, boredom, or any number of other reasons. Lily's current favorite forbidden fruit is Terra's food and water bowls. She, of course, makes a beeline toward them anytime we are in the kitchen. She reaches out for them but will pull back when I say "no". We then continue this game of her reaching out and me saying no until I physically remove her from the temptation. Little stinker.

Other words that we are fairly confident that she recognizes/understands are: her name, Terra, and kisses. Although these things are very subjective, Carl and I decided last night that the first official word that she has said (other than the dubious "da da" and "ma ma") is "duck". We think that she has tried to say "Terra" but this is way beyond her current linguistic abilities. One thing is clear: she now tries to mimic what we are saying. Even if she doesn't get close to making the sounds that she is aiming for, it is still a very cool development.

I was just commenting today on one of my tours of our daycare is how exciting it is to be the parent of a child in the Toddfant Room. This is where most of our children learn to be proficient crawlers, take their first steps, say their first words, give their first wave, and so on, and so on. It really is an exciting time to be a parent.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Visit to the Bookstore

Lily is starting to get the concept of reading a book. She begins babbling on and on in her "reading voice" whenever she looks at a book. This is one of my favorite things, along with her dancing, giving kisses (on demand now), and her ability to get herself into a standing position from the floor. Simply amazing!

Two peas in a pod

Nathan and Lily
"Hey, that green pacifier looks tasty. I might have to steal it so I can compare it to my blue one." ( Lily holds on tight)

The infamous tongue-smile

Comfy as can be in Jen's lap

Yesterday was a rainy, yucky day, presenting the perfect opportunity for a game day with our friends, Jen and Aris - and Lily got to a have a playdate with her friend, Nathan - what fun!