Wednesday, May 17, 2006

6 Months and Counting

Yesterday marked six absolutely astounding months with little Lily. She went for her 6 month check-up today, and we found out that she is now 16 pounds, 12 ounces and 25 inches long. All along she has been slightly under the 50th percentile with her weight but now she is slightly over the 50th percentile, so we are thrilled! It really is the difference between a few ounces at this stage of the game, but it is nice to get confirmation that she is indeed thriving.

She is now eating like crazy. Before it didn't really seem necessary to feed her solids; it was just kind of a trial period. Now it is evident that she needs solids every day. She has eaten pretty much everything that we have given her but is not too keen on water. The faces she makes when we give her water are hilarious. Apparently she is used to a much sweeter drink, and water is just not the tonic of choice. Hopefully, this will change. On the menu this month are: pears, prunes, squash, nectarines, barley cereal, and oatmeal cereal. We will keep everyone informed of the approval rating for the new foods.

We still have no signs of teeth or even teething, so I think we have at least a couple of months for any developments on that front.
Lily is still breastfeeding, and we have not supplemented with formula to date. It is hard to believe how far we have come with this endeavor since our rough beginnings six months ago. However, now that she is six months old, I know that her immune system is more developed and breastfeeding at this point, while beneficial, is not as essential. So, I am now open to the option of supplementing breastmilk with occasional formula feedings, but I am not going to do this until I feel it is right for us. And right now I am comfortable with our current situation. I will probably re-evaluate in July when she moves into the Toddfant classroom.

Currently, Lily sleeps in her crib until she wakes up sometime around 3:00 am. This could vary on any given night to between 1:00 and 4:30 am. When she wakes up, I usually change her, bring her into bed with us and feed her while we both drift off into dreamland. If she wakes up anytime after this, I just feed her again, and she usually goes back to sleep almost immediately. It probably isn't the proper thing to do, but it works for us.

Lily is definitely becoming stronger everyday, and she currently is scooting backwards. From watching other babies in her class, I know that this tends to be the precursor to crawling, so we are very excited for the weeks ahead. The doctor asked us if we started baby-proofing the house yet. I know that we need to because it won't be long before she is really mobile, but it just seems so weird. How fast this has all happened!

And that's where we stand after six spectacular months.

1 comment:

  1. There is no "proper" and "improper" when it comes to sleeping and nursing, no matter what anyone tries to tell you!! Whatever works for you guys is the right answer!! Congrats on a lovely six months...I still can't wait to meet Lily, whenever that may happen. :)
