Sunday, March 26, 2006

Wild Things

The latest on Lily...

She is laughing up a storm now. I have found that a fail-proof way to make her laugh is to make funny noises on her belly. Gets her every time and cracks me up! I have also found sure ways to make her frustrated and unhappy. She is now grabbing things...from the floor, from me, and things that dangle in front of her - like her mobile and the toys on her Gymini. The preferred route for these toys once they reach her tiny little hands is straight to her mouth. However, some of the toys (like the mobile and Gymini) do not allow this course of action. This is entirely unacceptable to Lily. She puts up with it for a while but soon the moans, groans, and grunts begin, and it's all downhill from there. She almost broke her mobile today trying to get the toys to stop spinning and to go into her mouth. In the end, the mobile won but I guess that I'd better take it down before she conquers it, which won't be long.

She really is starting to figure out how to operate in this world and how to get what she wants. A couple of times last week, she was fussing in her room but when the teacher took her out of her room and started down the hall to the office (to me), she started laughing. Mischievous little girl.


  1. She looks so different in this outfit! I CAN NOT wait to see you guys!

  2. It sounds like you have a very intelligent young miss on your hands. Very stylish one too!

  3. What a little cutie pie. I am jealous that Mom gets to see her soon. Talk to you later and I hope that you had a grand birthday, Katheleeny-beeny!
