Saturday, February 25, 2006

A Few Updates...

First trip on a plane!!

Some quality time with Daddy at the airport.

Last weekend, we took our first official trip as a family. The scheduled itinerary: fly from Baltimore to St. Louis, leaving on Saturday morning and returning on Tuesday afternoon. The plan was to fly out of BWI at 6:55 am on Saturday morning. Bad weather in the Ohio area = cancelled flights = outrageously long lines = us missing our flight. Lots of cancelled flights + people missing their flights because of long lines = no room on any flights leaving BWI going to St. Louis for the rest of the day. Long story short, we drove to Dulles Airport in Northern Virginia, spent 10 hours in the airport, and didn't arrive in St. Louis until almost 9:00 pm (10:00 EST). We also had the added bonus of nearly having the car overheat on the way to Dulles.

We were sure to arrive at the airport way in advance on the way home, so no problems with the flight. However, we made a wrong turn while we were driving home and ended up getting lost in downtown DC Tuesday night (again with the car nearly overheating). Needless to say, we were a bit weary from our travels when we got back home, and we're still recovering.

That being said, we had a wonderful time while we were in St. Louis. Lily got to meet many of her Meyer and Pellerito relatives, and she was so wonderful through all her travels, both on road and in the sky. Thanks to everyone for the making the trip great despite the travel complications! Unfortunately, we were so busy the entire time that we didn't get many pictures. As I receive pics from others, I will try to post them.

It seems that Lily makes some type of developmental progress every day. She spent a couple of weeks looking very intensely at her hands, and then she started reaching out for objects and can now grab them and, of course, put them in her mouth. She loves to grab onto and pull my hair which will probably result in a hairstyle change for me. She opens her mouth when anything gets close to her face, but my favorite is giving her kisses because you end up getting a big sloppy kiss in return.

Lily currently has her first cold. She is such a pleasant baby; you would not even know she was sick until you heard the coughing or saw the runny nose. Lily's sleeping has remained a dream (pardon the pun), even with the cold. She slept straight through the night for about a week, but then she switched to waking up once any time between 2:00 and 4:00 am to eat and then sleeps until I wake her up around 7:15. She has proven to be a cat-napper during the day, but we are all very happy with her schedule.

I switched to feeding Lily myself at work, so no more pumping for me during the day! It has worked out much better this way because before I would get busy and delay pumping, which resulted in discomfort for me and would have led to decreased supply for Lily. Now I'm on-demand and being able to steal some time with Lily during the day is just another added benefit.

All in all, we are having a great time with Lily. I had no idea how much fun it would be to have a baby, but we're loving every minute of it. Lily is so great that I think we are ready for another one. Just Kidding!!

1 comment:

  1. Aye ye ye. That is a very positive-sound post, on what I can only imagine was a very stressful trip.
