Monday, December 19, 2005

Our Big Little Girl

Lily had her one month check-up today, and everything looks great! She now weighs 9 lbs. 13 oz. which puts her at the 75th percentile for weight. She is 22 inches long which puts her in the 90th percentile for height. (She should enjoy that now because given the stature of her parents, that status will not last long.) Overall, she is a very happy, healthy baby - even if her father is not. Carl has a cold but nothing major. Of course, he has to keep anti-bacterial, anti-viral, strip-your-skin-of-everything-and-anything hand sanitizer in every room to keep the cold germs away from Lily. I guess it's better to introduce her to her father's crazy ways early on.

Even though Lily is still very much a newborn, it is evident that she is growing quickly, and I'm already lamenting the passing days. Recently Lily outgrew about 4 sleepers and I was so sad to think that that period is now over, never to return. They were all "newborn" size which is actually supposed to be 5-7 pounds, so this was to be expected, but I can see that this is just the beginning of my "growing pains" when it comes to Lily's development. She is so small and precious; it's hard not to want her to stay that way. Right now I can cuddle her all I want without objection. And, she is so portable. I often walk around with her in the Baby Bjorn infant carrier while I do chores around the house, so we are very attached. I know that these days will soon come to an end so I am trying to enjoy them while they last. I know that there are many great things to come and milestones to look forward to, but I am enjoying this so much. I just don't want it to pass by too quickly.

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