Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Flying Solo

Today, to celebrate Lily being 4 weeks old (can you believe it?), we decided to go on our first solo trip - just me and her. It was very brief, lasting from approximately 9:45 - 11:00 am. I have to say that it was daunting to go out on our own for the first time, but we made it through and here are some things that I learned along the way:
  • Strollers simply aren't worth it for short trips, like going to TJ Maxx - much better to go for the carrier and shopping cart combo instead.
  • "Popping into" a store is a thing of the past.
  • When deciding whether to go to two or three stores, go for two - even if they are right next to each other.
  • During the car ride home was the first time that I have not been able to attend to Lily immediately when she gets upset. Lily definitely does not approve of this situation and made it quite clear during the 15 minute drive home.
  • Fifteen minutes can sometimes feel like 15 hours.
  • When you haven't had fast food in a long time, do not start again with Burger King.

All in all, it was a successful trip but definitely exhausting for both of us. Maybe when she's five weeks, we'll tackle the mall...


  1. I can't believe Lily's almost 1 month old already!

    Congratulations on the adventure! Find anything good at TJ Maxx?

  2. Enjoy the freedom and flexibility of the pumpkin seat/carrier while you me, errands become a million times harder once you're into the convertible car seat!!

    Congrats on the first trip on your own...I know that's a monumental thing and it sounds like it went very well.
