Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Although we had another ultrasound yesterday, we didn't find out much. The technician said that they have to run the results through their computer program before they can accurately determine things like weight. Even then she said the margin of error is about 1 pound which seems like a pretty large margin of error to me. But, we did confirm that she is in fact a girl, and it was fun to see her again in a more fully developed form on the screen, even if we can't see her in person yet.

The new game in our household is to try every old wives' tale (within reason and that does not have negative side effects) in order to get the cervix ready and induce labor. When I went to a water aerobics class yesterday, like usual, everyone asked when I am due. When I tell them that I was 40 weeks last Sunday, they typically act surprised, laugh, and then the advise comes. Some of the funnier ones that have been suggested are as follows:

Eating Eggplant Parmesan
Eating bean sprouts
Eating spicy food
Blowing up balloons
Mall walking
Taking a bumpy car ride
And the list goes on...

Currently, I am drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, and I'm going to try Evening Primrose Oil which are both supposed to help get the cervix ready. As we go on, we are narrowing the possibilities for a birth date and now we know for sure that she will be born on a double digit day in November. I know, I'm reaching for certainties here but it's all I can do to keep on going. As one woman in our Ethical Society meeting said on Sunday, "I never knew a baby that didn't come out". So, one way or another, I know it will happen. I guess having absolutely no control over how or when is the most difficult part.


  1. Have you tried washing the floor yet?

    I'm excited to hear how big she is when you get that news back - hopefully not too big!!!

    The anticipation must be crazy (I figure take mine and multiply it by like 100%!)

    Love you!

  2. Nadine has a recipe for Eggplant Parmesean that supposedly is guaranteed to work. But, we didn't need, because we had some salsa at Cazuela's!

  3. The trusty combo of mall-walking, spicy food, and some nighttime action (if you know what I mean...hee) did the trick for us. I was desperate and I wasn't nearly as late as you are...I feel for you, sister. Good luck!!!

  4. Hey tell that baby to hurry up I can't wait to see her!!! Good Luck and hopefully it wont be much longer!!! Love you!!!
