Just a couple of updates...
We had our second "Prepared Childbirth" class this week. I really look forward to these classes not so much for the information but more for the support group atmosphere. Everyone shares their funny pregnancy stories, and everything (even morning sickness) seems far better when shared among others going through the same thing. It has been a while since Carl and I were in class together. We took one class together in college, and it was definitely all work and no play. However, it seems that the past 7 years since our college days has changed Carl because the reverse now seems true (although setting most certainly contributes to the change in attitude). During our classes concerning bringing our child into the world, Carl cannot resist making comments to make me laugh. For Seinfeld fans, it is a lot like Jerry putting the Pez dispenser on Elaine's leg to make her laugh during the George's girlfriend's piano recital - Carl purposely tries to make me laugh during what is supposed to be very sentimental and heartfelt moments. Well, during our last class, none of Carl's antics were necessary to get me going. This week we watched yet another childbirth video. In this video (clearly set in the early eighties judging from the big hair and short shorts), the father's name was Carl. They showed Carl being a very supportive husband throughout his wife's labor. At one point, the woman is on an exercise ball in the shower to relieve some of the pain. For some unknown reason, Carl decides that this is the perfect time to sing "She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes..." to his wife, and to make matters worse, he had a very distinct Boston accent which distorted the song. I started laughing so hard that I was in tears, and I had to excuse myself from the class to get myself together. Unfortunately, I know that this episode means that it is guaranteed that Carl will be giving me his own rendition of this song when we go into labor.
During the past week, we also had another doctor's visit. From the beginning, I knew that our doctor was wrong about the due date. We have been subtly hinting at this fact since the beginning, but now that the date is approaching, I have lost my ability to be subtle. So the negotiations began... Our doctor figured our due date to be November 19th, I determined that our due date is November 6th, and the sonogram put us at November 8th. After strongly encouraging him to reconsider our date, he stated that actually November 20th would be the date. This was definitely a step in the wrong direction. I was ready to pull out the big guns for this battle. Finally, he agreed to re-consult the magic cardboard wheel o' fun for a final word on this matter. He said the wheel showed November 13th to be the due date and so we had a winner...at least for now...
When Carl sings during your labor, we'll see if you still find it funny then ;) I hope so!
ReplyDeleteYeah, if Rog had started singing Comin' Round the Mountain during labor, I'm not sure that all three of us would've made it home in one piece!
ReplyDeleteI'm more concerned about the exercise ball in the shower. Sounds like a dangerous combination to me. Do they make exercise balls with rubber gripping on them so they don't slip around in the shower? Hmmmm.