Monday, October 29, 2012

Hair and more hair

 Lily decided at the beginning of this school year that bows are baby-ish.  This forced me to look at some new ways to style hair and led to a new hobby for me.

 The hair bow

 Curly swirls

 Double side braids
 Twisted rope braids

 One of my favorites

 The ballerina bun.  This one was harder to do than one would think.
 Fishbone braid

 More rope braids in a different way
 Hippy hair
 I like this one too.

 So super-easy (and she let me put a bow in!)
Poofy rock star hair
Thanks Lily for letting me play.  She is such a great sport, and she had fun checking out all the finished results.

Emilia's "Sweet One" Birthday Party


 Gift and dessert tables
 Sweet treats

 Chocolate-dipped marshmallows
 Brownie pops
 Candy-wrapped utensils
 Party favors
 Party guests
 Pin the cherry on the cupcake game
 Check out William's cherry to the right of the lamp.  Still makes me smile.
 Happy birthday to you, beautiful girl
 Baby girl loves her smash cake
 Present time!
 One of my favorite things was Emilia's shirt, but I never really got a good shot of it.  It says "Sweet to be 1" with a lollipop - love it!
 With Aunt Suzanne
 So big!
Happy birthday, baby girl.  Life is so much sweeter with you in it.

Emilia's birthday night

 Our sweet little baby turned one on Friday.  How can it simultaneously feel like we just brought her home from the hospital last week while also feeling like we have always been a family of five? 
I have been horrible about documenting her many milestones.  Her first word was "Terra" which was so clear from the beginning.  Like William, she also said "Thank you" fairly early.  Now she imitates many words we say, like "duck", "dog", and "good girl", among others.
She has taken isolated steps, but is not fully walking yet.  We moved her out of the pumpkin seat and into a regular car seat this weekend.  After taking her to her first year check-up, we found out that she is 20 pounds.  While this is technically enough to turn the car seat around, I've decided to keep it rear facing a little longer.  The recommendation is now at least 2 years.  I'm not sure we'll actually go that long, but, unlike William, Emmy is still pretty little.  Also, she doesn't seem to mind facing backward since she faces Lily so we are going to just keep things as is for a while.
Being the third, Emmy has had to stand up for herself from the beginning, and she definitely makes it known how she feels.  She also wants nothing more than to be able to do all the things that her big brother and big sister do.  Soon enough, little one.
She is quite the trouble-maker too.  From playing with the dirt in our potted plants, to attempting to play with the water in the toilet, to playing in Terra's water bowl and eating the dog food, to climbing the stairs, to standing up in her high chair....she does it all.  It's as if William has secretly been giving her pointers from his toddler days.
But Emmy is also the sweetest little cuddler around.  She will grab you around the neck and hold on for dear life.  She loves to laugh and thinks that just about anything her brother and sister do are hilarious.  We are still just getting a glimpse of her overall personality, but there is no doubt that she fits right into this crazy, loving family, and we just wouldn't be complete without her.
Ready to help out a sister...with her new toy

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lily on parade

 Lily has been in two parades with her dance school recently.  This picture is actually from the second parade.  They could dress up in their Halloween costumes for this one.  We went with the sock hop costume since it involved dance and the colors of her dance studio are pink and black.
 The first parade was by far the better one.  Carl, Ingrid, mom, Emmy, William, and I were all there to cheer Lily on.  It was pretty fun.
 The dancers
 Lily with her bestie
Yay for good times with good friends!