We've decided that William may be the sweetest baby boy ever, that is, besides my brother who according to my mother was a perfect angel as a baby. Nevertheless, William runs a close second. He smiles all the time which I just love. He has laughed a couple of times, but it is a rarity right now. Hopefully, he'll get more giggly in the next few weeks.
William is still Mr. Droolie but no teeth just yet. I may have been premature in my diagnosis, but he sure does have all the symptoms of teething! William also loves to blow raspberries while he's jabbering away, so in general, we see lots of saliva from this little guy.
William loves to be held and prefers to be able to see the world. He also loves the t.v. That little stinker will strain to see it all the time (particularly fun while trying to nurse). I don't think Lily noticed the t.v. until well into her twos so this presents a new challenge for us. William also enjoys looking at the black and white baby face we have hanging above his changing area. He coos and smiles at it just like Lily did as a baby. Other loves include his mobile, swing, and pictures hanging in the car, all enjoyed in small doses.
Our little koala. William is still a cuddler and is now using his hands to grab onto things he wants. He can grab toys and bring them to his mouth, and in general, is just fascinated by his hands. He also can now get a good handful of hair - not so much fun.
William is a champ when it comes to head control. We never got a Bumbo with Lily, but I'd like to get one for William. He so enjoys being able to take in his environment, and I think Lily would enjoy being able to play with him in an upright position. Also, it kind of naturally builds in space for William so Lily can't get in his face so much. I'm actually looking forward to being able to get out the exersaucer as well, but we're going to wait a little bit on that.
William officially rolled from tummy to back yesterday (on the floor), but he has not rolled from back to tummy yet. Luckily, Lily called me into the hearth room by saying, "Mommy, Willy-um is doing something in here". I came in time to see the whole thing, thanks to Lily! I love the way she says his name, by the way.
As far as schedule goes with William, there still really isn't one. Typically, he eats at about 9, 12, 3, and 6 during the late night/early morning hours and then gets up for the day between 7 and 8. But, on any given night, that can go right out the window. The days vary even more. Some days he'll sleep for 3+ hours at a time. Other days he won't sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time and wants to be held all day. I just never know. I realized that by this time with Lily, I had been back at work for 2 weeks already. I'm happy that I get to stay home with William, but Lily got into a routine right away when I went back to work which was nice. It will be interesting to see how it plays out this time around.
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