Thursday, March 13, 2008

Whats you talkin' bout?

Just some recent commentary by our talkative two-year-old...

Last Sunday, we had an Open House. As we were preparing the house and turning on all the lights, Lily contributed by turning on the light to her play kitchen. Then, as we were leaving to go to lunch, Lily strutted down the sidewalk and said, "Okay, let's go to our new house." No hesitations or reservations there!

We were discussing the Open House later while she was taking a bath, and she said, "They come in all shapes, colors and sizes." It didn't make much sense, but it sure made us laugh!

Lily often sings or recites nursery rhymes in the bathtub (and honestly does this through a good portion of the day). As she was demonstrating her vocal talents a couple nights ago, she could be heard saying, "Great job singing, Shampoo. High five!" She's just so supportive of her hygiene products.

We ran out of vitamins earlier in the week, and I forgot to get more when I went to the grocery store. Lily expressed her disappointment by mumbling, "Bummer."

I had to go downstairs to get something last night, and I told Lily to count to 10, and I would be back by the time she got to 10. Mind you, she has known how to count to 10 for quite some time, but she exclaimed, "1, 3, 5, 10!" with smiling eyes.

We've had a little delay in potty training just because we have so much going on right now; I'd like to wait until I'm not working and things are a bit more settled in our lives. Lily shows some signs of readiness (that I'm choosing to ignore for the time being), two of them being the awareness of the urge to go and awareness when she has gone. While we were at the library last week, she shouted, "Mommy! I peed! I peed!" I tried to disguise my embarrassment and quietly told her that we would go change her diaper.

You know those times when you're listening to your child play in another room, and it becomes much too quiet? This happened the other day, and I called her name. She called back, "I'm just readin' a book, mom." To her credit, she was. I just found it amusing that she knew exactly why I was calling her name. As a side, Carl and I are increasingly being referred to as just plain "dad" and "mom" which sounds so funny to me coming from our little munchkin.

My favorite Lily moment recently was when Lily stood at the door and told me that she would be right back. She then said, "I gotta turn yourself around." She then closed the door, and I could hear her singing, twirling and clapping from the other side, "You turn yourself around and that's what it's all about". She followed up by opening the door and reporting to me that she had turned herself around. If it were only that easy.... :)

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