Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lily and life

Lily had her two year check-up today, a little delayed because her doctor had to reschedule her original appointment. Everything looks fantastic. Her doctor made a comment that he couldn't believe that she was two already and that she has done pretty well to visit him so rarely in the first two years of life. I thought to myself that I'm more worried about the next few years, little daredevil that she is. She is currently 29 lbs. 3 oz. (75th percentile) and 35 inches (90th percentile). Once again, she is "proportionate". So, we're right on track. I confirmed with him that we could switch her from whole to 2% milk, and he gave the green light, adding "she is not wanting for growth". That statement made me laugh, and he was quick to add that she is in no way beyond the normal stats for her age, just that she is not behind.

She received two vaccinations today, another Hep A and the flu shot. She was so good about it; I really was amazed. When she was given the shots, she just looked up at me like, "What the hell?..." She cried a little while she repeated, "Mama, I need up". When I told her that she was all done, she was totally fine and walked out of the office telling me that she wanted "a red donut". Much to her amazement (and I even surprised myself a little by allowing it), I did let her get a donut after school, and what do you know, they did have a red donut (red frosting with green & white sprinkles for the holidays). It's the little things in life...

In general, things are well with us. Carl started his sub-internship in Surgical Oncology, once again confirming that surgery is NOT the field for him. The hours stink. Carl often begins his day around 4:30 am and usually gets home after I do at night - not cool. Like last year, December is going to be a tough month, but once we get through it, he will have a nice break for the holidays. However, unlike last year, he will be off for the entire month of January - awesome! Next semester's schedule looks fairly good after that, and I know it will all go quickly anyway because of the major changes that will be looming near. Exciting and good and crazy all mixed together.

I have been keeping myself busy with holiday preparations like putting up the Christmas tree and the outside lights. For the outdoor lights, I carefully wound lights around the rails on our little porch, put the net lighting on the bushes, hung the lighted wreath under the kitchen window, and very meticulously covered individual branches of our tree with special larger, round bulbs topped off with large snowflake lights higher in the tree. Despite the dozens of tiny cuts on my hands and arms, the sore back and shoulders, and running an electric current through my body by unknowingly touching an exposed broken bulb, it was worth it for my lovely lights display. And, it was so lovely....for about 24 hours. The second day that I plugged in the lights, only one strand (the first strand) of lights on the tree turned on when I plugged it in. Pitiful. All I can do is laugh though because what else can you do? I will search for the problem this weekend, but if I don't find it, we are going to have to do without this year because I just don't have the energy to do it again. And such is life.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Holiday cheer

Not your traditional holiday photo in front of the tree, as Lily dons her wild nightgown

Lily's "pretty smile"

Carl has taught Lily to give this silly super-smile in response to asking for her "pretty smile". Nice.

Lily continues to develop her sense of humor both at home and at school. When painting a picture last week, her teacher asked her what she had drawn, and she responded, "Ali's stinky feet". Her teacher asked her again just to be sure, and she responded with the same. By the way, Ali is her other teacher, and the picture is now displayed proudly on the classroom wall.
Of course, she also says things not intending to be humorous but cracks us up anyway. When we went to St. Louis, she met my sister Angela's boyfriend, Zach. Since we returned to Baltimore, all of Lily's dolls are now named Zach. When Ingrid's date came to pick her up at the house on Saturday night, Lily said "Bye Zach" as they were walking out of the door. For someone that Lily met for a matter of hours, Zach certainly left a lasting impression on Lily!

Spending time with Grandmas

With two grandmas around and only one grandchild, someone's likely to get the short end of the stick.

Another birthday celebration - hooray!

Reading an absolutely beautiful and touching book, Never Too Little Too Love, a gift from Great Grandma Murphy

Reading together again...

And again! (Notice Lily's decidedly annoyed face from being interrupted during her reading time with Grandma Murphy.)

So much for which to be thankful

Celebrating Thanksgiving the right way - with family! We were lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving week with Carl's mom, Grandma Murphy, and of course, his sister, Ingrid.

The traditional Thanksgiving feast gets two thumbs up from Lily!

Our sassy girl in her Thanksgiving get-up (thanks to Grandma Meyer for the outfit!)

Showing her true colors

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Garden Room

As of December 3rd, Lily's class is officially movin' on up to the transitional twos room, our Garden Room. The children in Lily's class have been visiting this room for increasingly longer periods of time over the last few weeks, and they absolutely love it. Besides having a lot more room, it has new toys and things to explore. In addition, the day is a bit more structured, with increased emphasis on "academic skills" like color and number recognition, etc. I love not only the feel of this room but also the fact that it is directly across from my office so I can sneak a peak at her throughout the day. Also, very surprisingly, she has done so much better in this room in terms of not being upset when she sees me throughout the day. Quite often she will wave at me and say "Hi, mama" and continue right on playing. I love it! I am a bit sad though because this will be her last classroom in the school. The class will not move into the 2/3's room until the fall of next year and by that time we will most likely have moved on. It is becoming increasingly hard to think about leaving a school that I love having her attend, where everyone from the staff to parents to children know her and most have since she was 12 weeks old. We are both very happy and comfortable there, and it will be terribly difficult to say good-bye.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Holiday parade

Aunt Ingrid & Lily hangin' together

Cutie baby on a chilly afternoon

The man of the hour

Last weekend, Ingrid, Lily and I went to see a Christmas parade in a nearby shopping hot spot. On that Saturday, it was anything but as we all huddled together to stay warm in the chilly fall air. Usually I am very against Christmas celebrations before Thanksgiving. This year, I am looking forward to Christmas so much that I don't mind. This time of year goes so fast; I think that I'm attempting to extend it a bit. When it comes down to it, both Thanksgiving and Christmas involve spending time with family and celebrating those we love, so who wouldn't want it to last longer?

Animal fun

Gaining a new perspective (one of Carl's all-time favorite pictures)

Little girl / Big giraffe

I think Lily has her fairy tales confused

The Kissock Family

Lily and Mary

Lily, Katie, Mary and Grandma

I'm still trying to play catch-up with some pictures from our trip to St. Louis. As I have mentioned before, my parents live in New Town. Instead of describing it here, I would recommend clicking on the link for anyone who is interested in finding out more about this community concept. The neighborhood has endless features that make it attractive to people of all ages. One of the best things about it is the number of parks for children. The main park is especially beautiful with a Koi pond and enormous animal structures that led Lily to wake up each morning pleading, "We go to big park?" On more days than not during our trip, you could find us there.
New Town was also a fantastic place for Lily to experience her first real Halloween. My father kicked off the night by giving M&M's to a girl who has never had candy. That was all it took. She was definitely into finding out how to get more of that good stuff. She marched onto everyone's porch and said "Trick or Treat" without missing a beat. At one house, they left an enormous cauldron full of candy on the front porch, and Lily thought that she had hit the jackpot. Carl had to explain the honor system to his daughter and remind her that she is a member of the Ethical Society. Probably the cutest thing ever was when she left the houses. She would call back "Thank you. Welcome. See you. Love you." At one point, she was walking down the sidewalk, and with two fistfuls of candy held high in the air, she exclaimed with all her little might, "I'VE GOT CANDY!" just as happy as she could be. It was one of my favorite nights ever.

Happy Birthday, Lily

Breakfast birthday hat and balloon provided by Aunt Ingrid

More presents! What could be in here?...

...Lots of dress-up clothes & accessories


Terra's tuckered out from all the activity
My baby turned two today at 6:09 pm. We celebrated with Lily's favorite dinner (pizza) and dessert (ice cream). We then opened gifts. As usual, Aunt Ingrid spoiled her goddaughter with far too many presents, but Lily seemed to especially like the electronic train set from Aunt "Inrin". I think see liked the train even more when she realized that it drove Irie absolutely crazy. She also received an aquadoodle and her very first laptop from Grandpa Deetz, which she was very excited about (and I am too if it distracts her from wanting to play with our laptop). Overall, she seemed to really enjoy the evening and went to bed a very happy camper.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Family update

Where to begin? I suppose the beginning of October is a good place to start. Carl left for St. Louis the first week of October to stay with my parents and sister while he did an away rotation in surgical pathology at Washington University. So for one week, I was on my own. I could write pages about that week. But, suffice to say, when Carl left, Lily did not end up with one parent but barely half of a parent. I was amazed at how quickly I went south as a parent. Patience was no where to be found, leaving me feeling like the worst parent ever. This is incredibly pathetic, especially in light of those with multiple children, harder life circumstances, etc. For perspective, I watch Jon and Kate + 8, and then tell myself to "suck it up Sally"; life could be much more complicated.

As timing would have it, Ingrid (Carl's sister) and her dog, Irie, moved in with us the second week of October. When I told my sister Suzanne about Ingrid moving in, she commented "Oh, how nice", which pretty much summed up my thoughts on the matter. I think that it takes the parent of little ones to fully appreciate this set-up. In my line of work, ratios are everything. We maintain a 1:3 ratio of caregiver to infants under the age of 2 at all times. This comes at a cost of $1175 per month to parents. In our household, we now have a ratio of 3:1. As the commercial says, "priceless".

It's funny having such a full household. As Carl said, he feels like he lives in munchkin land now. There are now three little beings under 2 1/2 feet tall, and you have to really watch where you're walking around here to not step on any little toes or paws. And, the clean up crew is ready and waiting should you drop any food, which often comes in handy with Lily. It's all very amusing. I know that Terra is very happy about the new situation. She now has more frequent walks, trips to the dog park, more play time in general, and less time spent alone in the basement - all good things. Even though Terra still covets her alone time on the couch at the end of the night, you can tell that she is happy with the new arrangements.

So, back to the timeline. (This is not going to be a short post, if you could not already tell.) Ingrid, Irie, Terra, Lily and I were all here together for one week before Lily and I left to join Carl in St. Louis for 2 1/2 weeks, my longest vacation ever. Again, I could go on and on about these weeks, but in short, it was wonderful. There is no other place in the world where you could go to stay where all meals are taken care of, help with Lily is available at all times, fun outings are planned nearly every day - and it's all free. Someone at work commented that it must be hard to return to work after all that time off. And I replied very honestly, "Not at all". I just felt refreshed and ready to return to "normal", like my soul had be replenished, and I was ready to tackle the world again. It also doesn't hurt that I really like my job.

St. Louis was not all play and no work however. Even though we will not know until Match Day where we will be living next year, we have gotten positive feedback from Wash U and remain optimistic about returning to the St. Louis area. Since I will not have another period of time when I'll be off for such an extended period of time, I tried to use this time to check out the daycares and the local housing market while I was in the Lou. Overall, good news on both fronts. In general, I did not like any of the early education centers that I visited either virtually or in person, except one. And, it was a big, huge, resounding YES! when I visited there. This place is amazing. The owner gave me a tour of the facility which opened in July of this year. He laid out their educational philosophy which borrows concepts from both Reggio and Waldorf schools, and I was sold. (The Preschool where I work is Reggio-inspired.) They also have an on-site chef that makes things like bell pepper omelets and zucchini muffins for morning snack. The children grow some of the food that they prepare,and they have parent teams dedicated to finding ways that the school can become more "green". I was so happy that I thought I was going to cry. I have very high standards when it comes to early childhood ed, and this place blew even me away.

The housing market in St. Louis, like most places, is pretty much flooded with homes right now. It doesn't look like the situation is going to improve before the spring, which means we should still be in a buyer's market - good for us. Values of houses in the Baltimore area seem to be holding steady for now, so we really hope that we are able to gain a little more house for our dollar when we move. We'll see. Again, we remain cautiously optimistic.

Lily and I returned from St. Louis last Tuesday and Carl returned very late the following night after stopping at the University of Chicago for an interview. Unfortunately, after only a week of being back at work, my good friend Tori's dad passed away. So yesterday I flew back to Kansas City to be with Tori for her dad's service. It was a lovely service that highlighted his quirky sense of humor, his years of acting, his love of theater, and his love of family. I was glad to be with Tori during this difficult time, but I know that now the real work begins of coping with her dad's passing, and I send her all my love and best wishes that she is able to work through the pain and begin the process of healing.

Timing, once again, is a funny thing. Carl had two interviews scheduled for Thursday and Friday of this week, which required him to leave tonight for where else but Kansas City.

And that catches everyone up until now. Here are a few more details to give everyone a preview of the rest of November and beyond for us: Friday is Lily's 2nd birthday which will be very low-key with just us that night and probably a picnic lunch over the weekend with a friend of ours whose son turned 2 last Friday. Lily's Grandma Deetz and Great Grandma Murphy will be joining us for Thanksgiving (which I cannot believe is next week), and we are very excited to have them here for a visit. Carl has been studying night and day (literally) for the past few weeks for a major test (Step 2 of his Boards) which he takes the day before Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving, Carl begins a new rotation which will last until Christmas. He is then off for the month of January, which will likely be spent making preparations for our move in June.

Through all of this, I really have not given any updates on Lily, but I will have to save that for a later time. For now, I will just say that she is amazing. It is not uncommon for her to speak in 5-6 word sentences, and she loves to comment on everything in her world. She is processing so much right now; you can almost see the wheels turning in her little head. She is into attributes and adjectives right now, telling me when it is dark outside, when we are laughing too loud, when she thinks her clothes are pretty, when she's chilly (with a little exaggerated body shiver)...and the list goes on and on. She also understands categories; and although she doesn't always get the answer right, if you ask her about an object's color, she always answers with a color; or when you ask her what day of the week it is, she'll give you one of the days of the week. The same is true for shapes, numbers, and so forth, and many times she does give the correct answer. She has also decoded the verbal spelling of several words which we can no longer safely use when speaking to one another, like p-a-r-k. She has also developed a sense of humor and loves when we laugh at things she says. For example, 2 months ago, I told her that she was going to be 2 in 2 months. Ever since then, when you ask her how old she is going to be, she says "2 months". She quickly found out that others laugh at her when she says this, so she now answers the question very boisterously and with a little smile, just waiting for someone to correct her so that she can say it again. I suppose that this paragraph was a little lengthy for someone who stated that they'd "save that for a later time". But, I warned you that this post was not going to be brief, and there are still many more things to share, but I'll stop here for tonight for your sake and mine.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Missouri Botanical Gardens

Hangin' with the boys. Lily with Molly's son, Jack (Tigger) and Mary's son, Patrick.

A balance beam with a rope surround two stories up - no problem.

Lily is fascinated with all things water. This picture was taken before she took a headfirst plunge into a small creek that had plastic dams for children to play with. Luckily, my friends saved the day by providing Lily with a towel (Jack's burp cloth) and a spare shirt (good thing Patrick wore layers!)

Hangin' with gramma and pop pop

Ready to go to work with Gramma

Time to get down to business

Excuse me, but I really need to make a call.

Hello, I'm on the phone here. I'll be right with you.

All done. See you. Bye bye.

Helping Pop Pop water the lawn. Oh, to be retired.

Baby Sophia

Tori's beautiful baby girl

Monday, November 05, 2007

2nd Birthday Party

The birthday girl


A little help from mom

Katie bug, I think you missed a spot.

Mom with all of her grandchildren: Abby, Mary,Katie, Lily, Nick and Courtney

Girl power: older sister Suzanne, me, sister-in-law Susie, cousins Maria and Jenny, younger sister Angela, and cousin Andrea (and this is not even all of our female cousins from the Pellerito side!)

Pellerito party girls: Aunt Kathy, Mom, and Aunt Chris

KC Trip

Girls' day out in KC: Me, Lily, Mary, Angela, Suzanne, Katie, and Mom

Mom with Mary, Katie, and Lily

Reunited cousins

Enjoying the city of fountains

We went to Kansas City a week ago today, and I was able to visit with my good friend, Tori, her husband, and her precious new baby girl, Sophia. (Picture to come.) That evening, my mom, my sister Angela, Lily and I joined my sister Suzanne and her two girls for an early night on the town.