Saturday, June 03, 2006

Lily's Food Review

Mango. Absolutely delicious, could eat it every day, if mom would allow it. 5 Stars

Sweet potatoes. Maybe it's genetic. My mommy loves sweet potatoes and so do I! 5 Stars

Banana. The take-along fruit that works anytime, anywhere. A good, reliable stand-by. 4 Stars

Avocado. It's not just for garnish on Mexican food, folks. Fresh avocado, mashed into a delectable creamy texture, is a grand slam in my book. 4 Stars

Rice Cereal. Love its versatility. You can mix it with just about anything, and it is very filling on those days when you feel like you just need something extra. 4 Stars

Carrots. Granted, I've only had store-bought carrots because my mom worries about the nitrate levels in fresh carrots that are prepared at home. However, I'm not above it. I gladly accept the food of the masses. 3 Stars

Prunes. I have to admit that I was reluctant at first. However, after trying them a couple times, I have to say that they are quite tasty. Give them a chance. Prunes: they're not just for retirees. Try them; you'll see. 3 Stars

Pears. This rating may come as a surprise to some readers out there. There's just something about the texture - quite unappealing. Despite rave reviews by other babies, they really are not all that. If given the option between this fruit and others, definitely go with something with some color. Not only do colorful fruits taste better, but they look better in your hair, eyebrows, up your nose, on the get the idea. 2 Stars

Nectarines. This is a temporary rating. Nectarines are not exactly in season yet, so the ones that I tried were a bit tart. We'll leave this one open for revision mid-summer. 2 Stars

Green beans. Quite possibly the world's worst food. Tastes like wet socks. If you see or smell these awful things, immediately begin spitting with tongue out and crank out some fake tears. Pathetic looks of extreme distress and a little gagging works well too. 1 Star

Look for my upcoming reviews on acorn squash, apricots, papaya, peas, peaches, and asparagus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lily may likely become a food critic when she grows up. She certainly knows her likes and dislikes.