Saturday, April 22, 2006

A Day of Firsts!

Lily had a very big day today. We finally decided to take the plunge into the world of solids. Lily sat in her highchair for the first time, had her first taste of rice cereal, and as you can see below, took her first sip of water from a sippy cup. We went back and forth about when to start solids, but ultimately we just watched for signs that she was ready. She definitely showed an interest in food when we ate, she is sitting up with some assistance, she has about doubled her birthweight, and she was eating for longer and longer periods (often 40-45 minutes per feeding). So, we figured why not try it out.
I'm not sure what I expected for the first feeding, but I didn't expect it to be so easy. Lily took to it immediately. For the first feeding, the box of cereal recommended mixing 1 tablespoon of cereal with 3-4 tablespoons of breastmilk. I figured that she would take a couple of bites, maybe show no interest, maybe reject it altogether - who knows? But, she ate it ALL. I was amazed. I guess she really was ready for this next step. We are going to follow the 4-day wait rule for introducing new foods in case she has any food allergies. In the next couple of weeks, we will delve into new territory with avocados, bananas, and sweet potatoes. Let the adventure begin!

Special Delivery

Lily was helping mommy get some clothes together for her cousin to-be-born and all of the sudden we had a baby in a box! Isn't she just the cutest?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

You Oughta be in Pictures - and Videos

Lily has been talking up a storm lately, and Carl's decided that her first 'word' should be "da da". Lily has some quite impressive sounds, but we haven't made it to any clear syllables quite yet - much less "da da", much to Carl's chagrin. I thought that I would share this video of Lily for all those who have not gotten the pleasure of experiencing Lily's vocalizations.

Easter Pics

The Easter Bunny left Easter biscuits hidden around the house for Terra.
With her super-sniffer, she had no problem finding the tucked-away treats.

Lily's Easter booty. Someone was a very good girl.

Mommy and Lily having some Easter fun.

More toys, less clothes, please!

Look at me - sitting up all by myself!

Making a new friend

"Hello. My name is Lily. How are you?"

"You don't say!"

"Tell me more."

Best Buds

Lily had a fun week hanging out with her Aunt Ingrid.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hey Good Lookin'

Our little baby standing up like a big girl (with a little help from Aunt Ingrid).
Thanks to Aunt Ingrid for the hat - more Cubbies gear!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Stroller Buddies

Nathan and Lily out for a walk together on a sunshiny day
We are so happy that Nathan and his mommy, Jen, are home! We can't wait for all the walks and get-togethers to come.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Stop the Press

We have a major news alert: Lily's "Tiny Tidbit" report from school said that she sat up on her own for 20 seconds today! Of course, with me being there, I was notified immediately. Her teacher brought Lily into the office to show me, but we have not gotten her to sit up for that long since. We did try it at home, and she definitely sits on her own for short periods before toppling over. It is a bittersweet milestone. Although I am excited for the next phase of sitting up, eating solids, crawling, and the like, it is hard to watch my tiny baby grow so quickly. Lily's infant class (the Jungle Infant Room) at school is not the youngest group anymore. Last week, the new infant room opened (the Bear Infant Room). We had an 8-week old (yes, her name is Lily) start, and I can't believe how much smaller she is than my Lily. I remember working on skills like tracking (very slowly) and trying to get any reaction at all from Lily. But now a babbling, smiling, laughing, semi-hand-controlled, almost-sitting-up baby has replaced that tiny, helpless baby of old. Unbelievable. What a difference a couple months makes.

Come Sing with Me!

Lily and I join my friend, Gretchen, and her super-cute daughter, Rachel, for a sing-along at The Red Canoe bookstore/cafe.

We Miss You Grandma & Grandpa!

Lily with Grandma and Grandpa Meyer.

Lily getting lots of lovin' from her doting Grandparents.

We had the good fortune of having my parents visit us earlier this week. We had lots of fun hanging out together. And, what a luxury to have all the laundry, dishes, and dinner done for us. Supermom strikes again!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Girls Day Out

Lily's first lesson on the art of shopping at the store EIEIO. What better teacher than the master shopper, Grandma Meyer.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

In honor of Opening Day Lily is donning a Cubs outfit today, a gift from her Aunt Ingrid. I have a feeling her St. Louis relatives may have something to say about this.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Saturday at the Dog Park

Lily is intrigued by the passing dogs. Of all days, I forgot Lily's hat today. We made do by turning one of her burp cloths into a "do rag".

Blossoms are on the trees - Spring is back!

Paw prints at the Dog Park. The Dog Park is entirely supported through donations, and one fundraising gimmick is to have your dog's name written on one of the paw prints. Of course, we had to have one made for Terra.

Terra - vying for attention