Monday, January 16, 2006

2 Month Check-Up

Ready for her visit to the doctor. Little does she know...

Lily is 2 months old today, and so she had another doctor's appointment. She nows weighs 11 lbs. even and is 22 3/4 inches long, which puts her roughly in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. Everything went really well. She had three shots. I couldn't watch the nurse give them to her, so I just focused on Lily, talking to her and holding her little hands. I can't believe that she only cried for a couple minutes while we got her ready to go. By the time we walked out of the room, she had stopped crying. What a little trooper! (She must have a higher tolerance for pain than her mommy.) We won't have another appointment until she is 4 months old, but it looks like everything is right on track so far!


Anonymous said...

Lily looks adorable in her outfit.What a cute grin!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Lily must get her keen fashion sense from her Aunt Angela!

Ingrid said...

I see you got a sweater vest on her. So much for waiting until you have a little boy! :-)