Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Let the Preparations Begin...
We have also started the process of transitioning Lily from sleeping in the bassinet in our room to the crib in her room. She has graduated to a larger size swaddler, and we purchased a nature sounds machine (thanks to Roger for the advice) for some background noise (she seems to like the "wind" setting). Last night was the first time Lily slept in her crib, and she did beautifully. She only woke up at 2:00 am and 6:30 am for changings/feedings and went back to sleep each time, sleeping from 8:00 pm to 9:00 am - a very successful night.
I am also trying to gather recipes that are either very fast or very slow (using the slow-cooker). I'm going to prepare a menu for dinners for the next 2 weeks - sticking with the adage "failure to plan is a plan to fail".
If it wasn't already obvious, I am trying to keep busy while soaking in every moment with Lily. So we have a very ambitious agenda this week: the movies today, a sing-along at a bookstore/cafe tomorrow, and a story hour at the library on Thursday. Hopefully, these activities along with nightly pep-talks from Carl and encouragement from friends and family will help me to keep my sanity this week and in the weeks ahead. Thanks to everyone for putting up with me while I go through this transition and experience the joys of "hurried woman syndrome".
Monday, January 30, 2006
Countdown to Work
I only have 10 4-ounce bottles stored in the freezer. I'm sure that it will be okay, but I already feel behind in pumping. I am also just guessing about how many ounces to put in a bottle; breastfeeding doesn't really lend itself to precise measurement. I'm also guessing that she will need about 3 bottles while she's at school, but I really don't know for sure.
I'm probably most anxious about the time issue. I won't get home until around 6:20/6:30 pm. So how do you get dinner ready, do laundry, give her a bath, feed her, and get her in bed at a decent hour? Then, where is the time for me to do my things like work out or even update the blog?
Then there is the sleep issue. Now when she doesn't sleep well at night, it doesn't affect us as much because we can sleep in in the morning or catch an afternoon nap. Those days are soon to be gone. How do you function in the real world on 1/2 the required amount of sleep?
Then, of course, there is the issue of handing her over to someone else for the day. I know that I am lucky because I will still be in the same building that she's in, so I can check-in on her and be right there in case she needs me. But, the fact is that someone else will be her primary caregiver for 9 hours a day. That is a little hard to swallow.
I know that going back to work is good for professional fulfillment and for financial reasons, but I am just mystified at how this is all going to come together. I know that many, many women do this but I guess you just can't truly appreciate or understand it until you do it yourself.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Happy New Year!
Today marks the beginning of the Year of the Dog in the Chinese zodiac. Pretty much every year since Terra was born has been her year, but this year this is shaping up to be even better than the rest for her. Lily has taken to protesting when I talk, laugh, cough, sneeze or basically breathe wrong when I'm feeding her. She lets out a small but distinct wail as a warning the first time I do any of the above mentioned which can progress to louder protestations, depending on her mood. Terra has actually learned to capitalize on this situation. She knows that as long as I'm feeding the baby, I can't really yell at her. As a result, Terra gets away with barking, chewing on things that she knows are forbidden, and just being a brat in general without any fear of punishment (the dreaded harsh tone of voice). Below, you can see one of her most recent naughty escapades:
Terra, The Wonderdog
It is hard to see in this picture because the blanket is black, but Terra has managed to rip several holes in her blanket and completely entangle her right hind leg while putting her head and right foreleg through one of the holes. Notice the innocent look mixed with the plea for help.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Growth Spurts and Sleep Deprivation
It is funny how just knowing the probable cause of her grumpiness is so comforting even though there's nothing we can really do about it. I think the real solace is actually in the fact that we can't do anything about it. I would hate to think that she is uncomfortable for any reason and that there is something that I could have done to prevent it or could have done to make her feel better. With a growth spurt, we just have to ride it out and know that our typical, pleasant little Lily will return soon.
Lily's lack of sleep of course led to my own dose of sleep deprivation. This made life much more colorful over the past couple of days. Here are a few examples of mundane tasks that seemed near impossible to complete recently:
- Going to the grocery store. I had approximately 8 items on my list that I had written, yet I could not keep track of what I had gotten and what I still needed which resulted in circling the entire grocery store about 5 times.
- Making a phone call. After I went to get the Pediatrician's number (which was upstairs), I could not remember where I put the phone. I honestly looked for the phone for a full minute or two before realizing that it was in my hand.
- Doing laundry. Washing Lily's diapers is fairly easy: cold soak (no detergent), hot wash (with detergent), and dry. After many weeks of repeating this process, I just could not get it together enough to match the right temperature with the right setting.
- Speaking. Forming sentences requires being able to form coherent thoughts, and this just wasn't happening yesterday. Carl was talking about a group that he co-founded in college, the League for Environmental Awareness/Protection. And I said, "Oh yeah, LIFT." Even had I not gone to the same college as Carl and been there when he started this organization, a normal functioning person could have come up with the correct acronym - LEAP.
Luckily, growth spurts are short-lived, and I can already detect a difference in Lily's demeanor today. I think the sweet little girl that we know and love is beginning to peek through the altered version that we've experienced recently. We are hoping to have a pleasant weekend, especially because Lily's Granny Janny and Great Grandma Murphy have come all the way from Illinois and Indiana, respectively, to visit us. We are keeping our fingers crossed...Happy weekend to everyone!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The Lily Bug
Lily and I just returned from the movies for the Reel Moms Program (which I love, by the way) where we sat behind 2 moms and their 3-month olds. The babies' names? Nathan (my friend Jen's baby's name) and Lily. I just can't believe the prevalence of this name. These were just chance occurrences, so how many Lily's are actually out there? I knew that it was not a completely unique name, but come on!
I read in one book that Lily is more prevalent on the coasts, so my only hope is that when we return to the midwest, we won't hear it quite as often. I just don't want her to grow up being Lily D. in school, like all the Jennifers of my generation.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Best Friends
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
A Day in the Life of Lily
Daddy was on duty last night while mommy went out to dinner with co-workers.
Lily thinks daddy is the greatest!
Monday, January 16, 2006
2 Month Check-Up
Lily is 2 months old today, and so she had another doctor's appointment. She nows weighs 11 lbs. even and is 22 3/4 inches long, which puts her roughly in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. Everything went really well. She had three shots. I couldn't watch the nurse give them to her, so I just focused on Lily, talking to her and holding her little hands. I can't believe that she only cried for a couple minutes while we got her ready to go. By the time we walked out of the room, she had stopped crying. What a little trooper! (She must have a higher tolerance for pain than her mommy.) We won't have another appointment until she is 4 months old, but it looks like everything is right on track so far!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Lefty Lily?
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
A Face Shot (for Ingrid)
Monday, January 09, 2006
Survey Says...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
The 7-Week Skinny
- Sleeping: Lily's sleeping routine at night has pretty much remained consistent. She typically gets up twice per night for about an hour each time to eat, change, rock in the glider, and return to the bassinet. Not to say that this is always the case (like the past two nights) but that's the way it goes more often than not. However, the day routine has changed. Lily, as I suspect most newborns do, first slept and ate for the majority of the day with little time awake. Then her time awake increased, but she was pretty fussy. Now she seems to be transitioning to more time awake that is spent playing and looking around happily.
- Expressions: Lily has been a smiler from birth. Even during the first couple of weeks, she seemed to respond to people with fleeting smiles. Now there is no doubt that she is smiling in response to our interaction, and her smile is SO big, like she is absolutely overcome with happiness. She gave me one of those huge smiles this week when I went to pick her up in the morning, and it just made my day. Absolutely amazing.
- Sounds: Lily has begun to make her first sounds! It is so adorable. When we talk to her, she is totally fascinated and watches intently. Then she makes her own sounds - nothing really discernible yet - but it is so fun to hear her little coos. She also makes these sounds when she looks at the black and white photo of a baby face that is above her changing area; a very beautiful (albeit one-sided) relationship is definitely forming. Lily has also discovered a different kind of sound: screaming. Her cry thus far has been endearing, but now she has found her "you-will-feel-my-pain" cry. Still a little endearing (in small doses).
- Interests: The black and white baby photo gets top honors from Lily. Christmas tree lights, the Gymini, and her swing all run a close second. The dryer, dishwasher, and vacuum all receive honorable mentions.
- Awareness: Lily has been enjoying sucking on her hand for some time now. Recently, she discovered her thumb and has sucked on it three times now. Orthodontics, here we come!
Undoubtedly, everyone changes when they become a parent. Priorities definitely change, and you certainly have to redefine your standard for hygiene. But, here are a couple changes that I have experienced over the last 7 weeks:
- Increased confidence. Overall, I was fairly confident that I could become a mom and have fun in the process, but there were a few things that scared me. The main fears were: childbirth itself, breastfeeding, and cloth diapering. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle these things, but I've found that I survived childbirth, I'm tolerating breastfeeding, and loving cloth diapering. Who knew?!
- A greater appreciation of infants. I have to admit that I was not a "baby person" before Lily was born. I love children, but my main interest was in the 3-5 year-olds. I have much more knowledge and experience with this age group which probably contributes to my fascination and love of preschoolers. However, Lily has turned over a new leaf for me and has shown me how much fun infants can be. Now I find myself looking at all the babies whenever we are out - watching what they are doing, wondering how old they are, and what sorts of things Lily will be doing at their age.
So that's the 7-week wrap-up, for better or worse.
It seems like so many people in our lives have young children and even more are on the way. I thought that I would share some of their pictures with everyone. Boy, do we know some gorgeous children!
Monday, January 02, 2006
It's a Wonderful Life
Carl and I knew that we would not be able to travel for the 2005 holiday triad (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years) with our little pumpkin in tow so we anticipated a bit of a lonely holiday season. We couldn't have been more off-base. In Lily's 6 1/2 weeks of life, she has met her Grandma Meyer, Grandma Deetz (Granny Janny), Grandpa Deetz, Aunt Angela, Aunt Ingrid, and Uncle Alexander. We just have to say that our families rock. We want everyone to know how much we appreciate them coming all the way to Baltimore to see Lily and to be with us for the holidays - it was the best gift we could have possibly gotten. And, we want to say a special thank you to Aunt Ingrid for allowing Carl and me to go on two dates while she was here - to see Hairspray (the musical) and Fun with Dick and Jane (the movie). Our first family travel plans are a trip to St. Louis sometime in the month of February to meet Lily's Pellerito and Meyer relatives, and we can't wait! Hopefully, a trip to the farm to see Carl's relatives will not be far behind. We will let everyone know when we nail down definite dates. Happy New Year to everyone!!