So today we reached the 30-week point. It is both exciting and scary to think that we are 3/4 of the way to the finish line - that is, if I deliver on time. This is probably not likely considering that I've never been the most prompt person. At least there is intervention ready by way of induction in case Cali decides that she prefers to overextend her stay. I am hoping that we won't have to go that route but if anyone is betting on the date, I would put my money on a later rather than earlier date. (My guess is November 16th.)
The only recent changes in the third trimester of pregnancy are as follows:
1. I am radiating heat like a furnace. It doesn't seem to matter if I'm outside in the heat or inside in the air conditioning - I can't seem to regulate my body temperature to that of a normal human being. Sometimes when it rains, I think that I can actually see steam rising from my body.
2. The baby has become much more active, especially at inopportune times. I was in a meeting this week and Calabasa gave me a huge kick in my side. I was so startled that I jumped and put my hand on my stomach. Suddenly, I had all eyes in the room on me, all wondering what they would do if I actually went into labor (both an embarrassing and amusing moment to me).
3. Probably the most amusing change has been concerning my dreams. I suppose that it is subconscious nervousness about the baby's impending arrival. In the latest dream, we were coming home from the hospital with the baby when I realized that I hadn't called anyone to let them know that the baby was born. In the dream, we lived about an hour away from my parents, and I got the great idea to just drive to their house to surprise them with the baby. Then in the car (in the middle of the night), I realized that I did not bring any clothes, diapers - nothing - for the baby. Could this mean that I'm not feeling ready for the baby's entrance into the world? Hmm...
The truth is that I am not yet overanxious for her to arrive. I'm not really uncomfortable (yet), and I find myself continuously thinking only 10 more weeks of this fairly easy and predictable lifestyle that we have settled into. I know that it will be wonderful when she arrives but I almost feel like I should make a list of things that I want to accomplish in these last 10 weeks of relative freedom, as if I were preparing for a life sentence of house arrest. I feel a bit odd and guilty about that thought but it just seems that every parent hits you with "Just wait, if you think you're busy/tired/etc now..."
Terra has been doing her part to prepare us though. She was sick this weekend. We think it was an allergic reaction to something she ate but she broke out in terrible hives. She also woke up about 4 times in one night with diarrhea. We gave her Children's Benedryl and worried like crazy until the massive bumps went down. This meant that our weekend was pretty much spent at home nursing her back to health. However, she is back in good health, and in the end, everyone being healthy is all that really matters.
July 2024
2 weeks ago